Get SSL Certificates: Choose your preferred SSL Providers
SSL Certificates: Choose your preferred SSL Providers
Not only does Ziphost offer a wide variety of SSL Certificate options, but also from a wide variety of SSL Certificate providers. Here are just a few of the most popular options currently available at Ziphost.
Yes. All accounts come with cPanel access. Your control panel provides you with all the tools you'll need to manage your software, websites, email, databases and more.
If you have a VISA card or payPal you can make a payment but we will soon be introducing additional payment gateways especially for Zimbabwe clients. For now Zimbabwe clients
kindly send an email or call the following number for details on how you can make payments. +263 715 642 322
You can find what we allow and not on our ToS however to give you an idea, we stricly do not allow any adult/hacking/copyrighted
material on our web host.